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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Recommitting because I'm worth it!

This week... hmm?  Again not a great week.

I think it's the aftermath of a vacation where because there was so much activity and I could eat what I wanted and when, it's hard to adjust back.  Just my guess.

BUT still no excuse.

I didn't track most of my days (that WILL change this week).  Once I started de-railing, I just didn't have it in me to even want to know.  One thing I do know is that there's no way I can keep this up.  I'll be back to where I was in January in no time... and that's the last thing I want or need.

So, with that said, this week I vow to do better than last week.  

GYM:  I will be going to the gym more (new month - need to get my 8 in... I will get way more than that in, this I promise) and will be going for longer periods of time.  I only got 8 in April - which is enough to get my $20 refund (which was ultimately my goal, but I need more than that). 

FOOD:  I will do my food prep Sunday.  I will track ALL of my food, regardless of whether or not I want to.  I will make healthy meals for us, we both need it... and I want that energy back.  It's amazing how I feel when eating healthy vs. not... If I do that, I will have no problem getting the gym in because I'll want to more.

ATTITUDE:  Remind myself I am worth it and I want this!  I need this.

I know my week to week results are what people are very much interested in... so this week I actually lost 1 lb.  I know I made it sound terrible.  I'm not sure how I did it because on my scale at home I weighed the same as last week - and the WW scale has typically shown me as heavier than my home scale.  So either we need to get the WW scales looked at or the gods were with me today.

Anyway - I can't wait until I'm Healthfully Ever After!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Not A Shining Star

I had a lot of trouble this week staying on track.  I couldn't get full and the temptations were winning over my will power.  I was not the shining star that I've been in the last 3 months!  I'm guessing that it's coming up to that time of the month (at least I hope that's the reason)... I gained back a lot of what I lost last week.

So what am I going to do about it?

I'm going to force myself to get back on track!  I had planned out all my meals this week and I did eat them... but I also ate a lot of things not in the plan and way more than I should have.

I'm going to get myself to the gym regardless of my back hurting... this has been a very bad back week.  I'm trying to foam roll it and put my icy hot tens unit all over it, but it's not working.  So I think I just need to "work it out."  If nothing else I will be back to just biking - not the treadmill and elliptical.

Whatever my problem is, I will beat it.  I have a goal in mind and I really want to meet it.  I need to break that goal down so it's more manageable because right now it's a January 2016 goal... and that goal is to finish losing everything I had gained back PLUS 10-15 lbs more.

So... what a better time than now to set my first goal.

My goal:  By the end of May I want to be down 8 lbs from where I'm at today.

I can't wait to be Healthfully Ever After!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Vacation Was Good To Me...

Vacation was good to me.

My husband and I went overseas to Europe to visit his daughter in Copenhagen, Denmark for a week and then we decided since we were already flying over there why not do another week and spend it in Rome.

We had an absolute blast in Denmark.  It was our favorite part of our trip.  While in Denmark we mostly walked everywhere.  We took very little public transportation... and when we did it was just to mark off that we tried every possible way of transportation they offered.


My step daughter was the best tour guide I've ever had.  She met us each day (by biking in 40-45 minutes most days... only a few did she take the metro) and took us everywhere there was to go in the City.  We also took a day trip to Malmo, Sweden (we took the train for that... can't walk that one).

In the 6 days we spent with her, we walked a total of 65 miles.  It was a lot for me, but I planned on walking a ton.  Which is why three months ago I got myself back to the gym.

Once we left Denmark we went to Rome, Italy for another 6 days.  With the exception of the ride from the airport to our hotel (and to another hotel) as well as one train trip to north Rome... we walked everywhere there too!  Another 65 miles.

My feet, legs and knees hurt towards the end of the trip that's for sure.  We had to take more resting breaks, but my husband never complained about that (thankfully).

During the trip I had my coffee twice a day (capuccino's), ate what I wanted (but listened to my stomach when it was full - at least 95% of the time I listened) and had dessert in Rome every day.  I didn't want to spend my time focusing on what I was eating... so I just quit when I was full and ordered what I wanted.

I was plesantly surprised coming home.  By the time I got home I had lost 4 lbs on my vacation.  I got myself right back on track with eating and managed to lose another 1.6 since we got back last Friday.

I am extremely proud of that 5.6 lost (in three weeks).  I have zero regrets!  Honestly, even if I gained I wouldn't have regretted one choice we made.  My goal for this coming week is to get back to working out more again.  I needed a break.  I need to get my steps back up there... which obviously means more miles walked.

Have a great week everyone!

I can't wait until I'm Healthfully Ever After!