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Friday, January 17, 2014

Announcement: Major Accomplishment

Well... let's see.  What happened this week?


Some of you already know this... I have been taken off (completely off) my blood pressure medication!  This is a big big deal to me.

Over 2013 I was taken off one (of two) blood pressure medicines, then the one I was left on was cut in half and then cut in half again in August.  At that time my doctor told me that I would most likely be on blood pressure medicine for the rest of my life, she was not liking the idea of taking me off.  She said most people, as they age, need it to maintain good / healthy blood pressure and a lot is done through medication.

I had a follow up appointment scheduled for January 10th.  It was for a full physical.  I was called and told to fast for blood work, etc.  That was the Friday before the appointment.  Then, the following Monday, I was called and told my doctor suddenly was going to be out, for 3 weeks, and I needed to re-schedule my appointment.  When looking at dates, the earliest I could get in was February.  I didn't like that... they then told me I could meet with 2 other doctors.  One was a man (EEK - it was my annual visit as well) and the other was a woman (yay)... If I went with the woman I could keep the same date and get an appointment about 20 minutes earlier :)

So, I booked my appointment with her.  It was weird.  I've had the same doctor for over 20 years... and she's very harsh.  This new woman was younger than me (WAY YOUNGER).  She was massively pregnant.  Seemed very cold.  Didn't love her... until she took me off my blood pressure meds.  She said I needed to make a 1-2 month follow up appointment (I made a 2 month appointment) and I needed to take my blood pressure 2-3 times per week between now and then.  I agreed to that (DUH).

So, I'm pretty darn excited and I now like her.  Very much!!!  I think this was fate stepping in to allow me to prove to my regular doctor that I'm healthy enough to be taken off med's altogether.

That was Friday... after that news I was so excited I celebrated.  It was weird.  I probably ate the most crappiest foods I've eaten (at once) in a long long time.  I don't know why or what happened but I couldn't control it.  Thankfully the very next day I got myself back on track.  I was still a bit off due to a birthday party, but seriously WAY better than the day before.  Sunday - Wednesday I was a perfect, I mean perfect, little weight watcher.

I said last week that I was going to cut out a few days of exercise, I couldn't do it.  I actually exercised every day, but I did try some new ones to mix it up.  I got two 3.1 - 3.5 mile runs in (I needed to to start training for my 7k), I did a kickboxing and drums alive class (OMG drums alive is fun) and I did zumba 2 days.  This week (because I didn't write yesterday) I can tell you I took off Thursday (I needed it) and I think I'm taking today off as well.  I will be getting up early tomorrow morning to run before I jet out to look for a new town home for my parents (with my mommy, so excited!!!).

My weigh in wasn't terrific... I'm not sure why.  I thought I'd really drop the weight - but I didn't.  I lost .2 (better than gaining).  I'm hoping for more of a drop this coming week and like I said, I'm working out at least 2 less days this week :)  We'll see what that does to the scale.

Take care and have a wonderful week!

I can't wait until I'm Healthfully Ever After.

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